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The State of Indonesia’s Forests 2018

Verantwortlicher Autor: Carlo Marino FAO/Rome, 18.07.2018, 17:52 Uhr
Nachricht/Bericht: +++ Wirtschaft und Finanzen +++ Bericht 7526x gelesen

FAO/Rome [ENA] Yesterday the Minister of Environment and Forestry of Indonesia H.E. Dr. Siti Nurbaya presented in FAO ( Food and agriculture organization of the United Nations), Rome the document “The State of Indonesia’s Forests 2018”. Indonesia is a big nation, with 120.6 million hectares or 63 percent of the nation's entire land area designated as the Forest Area (Kawasan Hutan).

Most of Indonesia's remaining land area is made up of non-forest public lands, known as Areas for Other Purposes (Areal Penggunaan Lain, or APL). The Forest Area is managed in accordance with three functions. Production Forests (Hutan Produksi, HP), covers a total area of 68.8 million hectares, or 57 percent of the Forest Area. Conservation Forests (Hutan Konservasi), covers a total area of 22.1 million hectares or 18 percent (with an additional 5.3 million hectares of marine conservation areas). Protection Forests (Hutan Lindung) have watershed functions and cover the remaining 29.7 million hectares or 25 percent.

The document presented in FAO/Rome was developed by Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Kementerian kungan Hidup dan Kehutanan), Republic of Indonesia, to provide information to the global community regarding the state of Indonesia's forests and forestry resources and regarding the efforts of the Indonesian Government to democratize the allocation of forestry resources; to prevent and manage deforestation and the degradation of forestry resources; and to ensure environmental justice and equality of opportunity for all members of Indonesia's communities.

Indonesia implemented a system for the certification of sustainable management of forests also aimed at stopping illegal logging.The government is commited to addressing the role of forestry in climate change mitigation through its Nationally Determined Contribution and has intensified its commitment to resolve tenurial conflicts related to forest land. It has achieved this through a shift from a corporate oriented approach to a more community-oriented approach intended to improve sustainable community-level economic development by ensuring more equitable access to land and forest resources, and thus promoting community prosperity .

The document presented in FAO (Rome) consists of a brief introduction (Chapter 1), a description and analysis of Indonesia's Forest Areas (Chapter 2), a discussion of efforts to control and reduce deforestation (Chapter 3), a look at Indonesia's efforts to intensify its social forestry initiatives (Chapter 4); consideration of new directions and trends in the management of conservation areas (Chapter 5); an examination of issues related to the forestry sector's contribution to the national economy (Chapter 6) and concluding notes (Chapter 7).

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